Curious Collections by Mariëlle Leenders
Concept | Design | Photography | Research
Mariëlle was born on 6 December 1974, where she grew up in a small village and played in the forest everyday. Since she was 18 years old, she has been travelling by herself to enjoy and learn from nature and different cultures.
Concerning photo wallpaper the work of Dutch designer Mariëlle Leenders is unique. The curious combination of photography and design skills results in ‘photodesigns’.
From photo’s which are so detailed that can be enlargement to XXL photo-murals, to extremely detailed and sophisticated photo patterns, which can be repeated infinitely. Infinitely beautiful!
Although constantly developing exciting new collections of photos and designs, I also create collections on demand. And all my products can be custom-made. I provide a complete service from concept to final product, to product-photography and have the flexibility to cater to special requirements.
Mariëlle also works as an experience designer/ people researcher. She researches by means of film and photography which results in reliable and often surprising results. The camera can’t lie!
Mariëlle can assist you in translating this research in new innovative and sustainable products/ services. Due to privacy of the participants in these researches, this work cannot be shown on the website. For more info, please contact me.
For prices business as well as private photography, design and research, please contact me and I can make you a personal quote.
My complete CV, can be dowloaded.
All photography shown on this website is done by Mariëlle Leenders.
All rights reserved! All photography and work is are protected with copyright! Each unauthorized use of a Photographic Work is deemed to be an infringement of the Photographer’s copyright. On all legal relationships the General Terms and Conditions of the DuPho (Dutch Photographers) dated January 2016 apply. For more insight on the general terms, please contact